Saturday, April 14, 2012

Being a mom...

Being a new mom is hard work... I wasn't expecting it to be this hard, but I wasn't expecting the reward to be this great either... Watching Finley grow and reach new milestones is amazing. I cannot believe that Mike and I brought this wonderful little girl into the world. She is so... I cannot even think of the words to describe her. She already knows how to work her papa. And she laughs the most for him. Speaking of her laugh, her laugh is so contagious... I love to hear it. She loves it when I sing to her and she tries to sing with me too. She loves carrots and pears, though not together. Finley is the most important thing in my life. I cannot imagine my life with her. She is such a personality so full of joy and smiles. All the sleepless nights that we've had (are few) but worth it. She is impossible not to love. She babbles when you talk to her. She's only 4 1/2 months. Everything she does is new and exciting. I hope that when I have other children when they reach these new and great things that I will be able to feel the same as I do now. Finley is all we've ever wanted. The truth is that she completes our family. I feel like she makes us whole. Like the missing piece of the puzzle, having her as my daughter is surreal. Being a mom is surreal. I love being a mother, I truly believe that this is my greatest calling. I feel so blessed to have this amazing daughter of God to raise. Oh, how the Lord must trust us so much to be able to raise his children... I hope that I do right by him, and provide the best for her that I can. I want so much for her. I want her to succeed in life. I want her to be able to have the best things and to have a home that she can always come to. I want her to know that her father and I would do anything to make her happy. I have never thought about anyone else like this (besides Mike). I want so much for her... She deserves it. I think that being a mother brings out the best in me. And a little hard work never hurt anyone.  And like I said... She deserves it. She deserves whatever I can give her, and I'll give her everything.

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